Sharing positive work stories is the best way to create more of them.
Submitting a story is easy.
We’re looking for stories that show positive examples of leaders in the workplace building cultures of trust by:
Protecting, supporting and defending their staff
Helping people grow and succeed
Showing they care
Preventing and addressing sexual harassment
What to keep in mind when telling your #momentsmatter stories:
You can be inspired by stories inside or outside our current workplaces.
You can draw from the past as well as the present.
To protect privacy, anonymize names and places (speak about ‘a boss’, a ‘coworker’ or a ‘place I worked’).
As you tell the story, explain what the person did and why it was so significant to you
“We begin every meeting acknowledging a coworker.”
“This has added a level of closeness to our groupl”
“My manager always, always backed me up in front of customers.”
“My manager always, always backed me up in front of customers.”
“He made me manager of the whole shop.”
He saw how I earned the trust of customers. Eventually, he made me manager of the whole shop
“She’d go out of her way to compliment our work in front of patients and staff.”
She’d go out of her way to compliment our work in front of patients and staff. Those little gestures really built up morale.
What about not-so-great work stories?
This campaign is focused on prevention, but remembering positive workplace moments can also trigger people to remember workplace moments where they felt unsafe, disrespected and harmed. People may remember moments when someone sexually harassed them. This campaign will help enhance access to support through:
Alberta's OneLine for Sexual Violence:
· available province-wide by talk and text 1-866-403-8000, or webchat;
· where people who have experienced workplace sexual harassment can access sexual violence specialized, confidential, neutral support and connection to resources; to help employees make supported and informed decisions around their next steps.
If your workplace concern is related to harm and discrimination other than sexual violence, visit the Workers’ Resource Centre or the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre. To access public legal information visit the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta.
We know that no workplace is perfect. But by working together, we can all get better.
And it’s never too late to start.